ninja power drink

A Powerful Start to The Morning

By Callum @ AvocadoNinja


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  • The “Bulletproof Coffee” recipe was one of the most effective tools I discovered. I’ve since refined this and made some changes, to create our own version, that I call the Ninja Power Drink.
  • The way commercial coffee is farmed and processed causes most of the negative issues. Then by adding milk and sugar and all the toxins from acidic tap water, every good thing coffee has to offer is removed/blocked and replaced with toxic, unhealthy rubbish.
  • You end up with a concoction of high acidity, pesticides, mould, mould toxins, sugar, and dairy along with chlorine, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, and worse.
  • However, if you use a clean, organic, mould and mould-toxin free coffee, prepared with a French Press, there are a huge amount of beneficial compounds delivering incredible benefits.
  • By brewing coffee using pure, alkaline, mineral rich water, you are taking all the toxins from tap water out, and neutralising the acid effect coffee has on the body. Additionally, taking alkaline salts first thing in the morning will deliver another huge set of benefits, as well as maintaining your internal balance.
  • Small amounts of caffeine has been shown to give many health benefits.
  • You will get plenty of polyphenols, in addition to the beneficial compounds found in coffee, that can only cross the blood-brain barrier when bound to fat molecules!
  • The combination of MCT oil and grass-fed butter will literally switch off hunger, switch off cravings, allow your mind to engage fully and be super focused, positioning you for an incredible day.

In this article, I show you the most powerful way I've found to get the myriad of benefits from both intermittent fasting AND using ketones for energy. I was inspired by the Bulletproof Coffee, and made a few tweaks to get to the Ninja Power Drink. This kicks off your day in a way that makes you feel unstoppable.

inspired by "bulletproof" coffee

On the ascent of Mount Kailash, considered the world’s holiest mountain at an altitude of 18,000 feet and below-freezing temperatures, Dave Asprey was exhausted, hypoxic, and frozen. He stumbled into a little guest house. A kind Tibetan woman took pity on Dave and handed him a drink that would not only change his life, but the lives of millions of people around the world.

It was a traditional yak butter tea. Almost instantly, his exhaustion lifted, and he suddenly felt full of energy. He wanted to know why, and after a great deal of experimentation he had the genesis for his famous “Bulletproof Coffee,” a recipe that has helped millions of people around the world. As part of my own journey back to health (and out of depression), I tried just about everything.  


The “Bulletproof Coffee” recipe was one of the most effective tools I discovered. I’ve since refined this and made some changes, to create our own version, that I call the Ninja Power Drink.

all coffee is not bad


The way commercial coffee is farmed and processed causes most of the negative issues. Then by adding milk and sugar and all the toxins from acidic tap water, every good thing coffee has to offer is removed/blocked and replaced with toxic, unhealthy rubbish. You end up with a concoction of high acidity, pesticides, mould, mould toxins, sugar, and dairy along with chlorine, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, and worse.

I have come to discover that this is the case with many foods. Even the most natural foods can be corrupted by the processing, storage, and the ongoing efforts to make products more convenient. Most unadulterated foods from nature are healthy.

So, we have to choose our coffee source carefully and use a French press to deliver all the beneficial compounds (more about this below). This delivers the pure superfood without any of the rubbish.


Benefits of Clean Coffee

So, when sourced and prepared properly, you can look forward to the following benefits:


  • It can reduce the risk of death from all causes, including heart disease.51
  • Increased levels of dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.46
  • Reduced risk of diabetes.47
  • Increased longevity.45
  • May protect against cirrhosis48 and liver49 and colon cancers.50
  • Delayed onset of Alzheimer’s.52

Not only that, but coffee also contains essential nutrients such as vitamin B2, B3, B5, manganese, potassium, and magnesium.


Most Powerful Compounds

With over 1000 natural compounds in coffee, there are 3 that really stand out: caffeine, antioxidants, and diterpenes.

Caffeine is proven to increase ketone production.30 You can also tap into the proven benefits of caffeine in small amounts, including a lower risk of type 2 diabetes42, better glucose variability, lower depression rates41, lower stroke rates43, lower chances of breast cancer, lower risk of dementia and/or Alzheimer’s,35 better memory recall, high antioxidant content, fat loss and improved energy levels, mental alertness, and enhanced mood. Caffeine also doubles the fat burning capacity of your body.28

There are high levels of bioactive antioxidants (from 200-500 mg per cup), compounds that fight free radicals, which are known to cause oxidative stress, cellular damage, and many chronic diseases.  


One of these polyphenols, called chlorogenic acid (CGA) has been shown to have positive effects on blood pressure36, blood sugar levels37, and even weight, BMI, and body fat percentage38. Caffeic acid may increase athletic performance39 and have anti-ageing effects on the skin.40

Diterpenes are fatty acids that are present when you prepare the coffee with a French Press. Both cafestol and kahweol participate in a number of physiological functions that promote health, such as reducing inflammation, increasing glutathione (GSH), causing tumour cells to die, and inhibiting angiogenesis.44


Isn't Coffee Acidic?


So, you can take the pure superfood of coffee, add some special ingredients, and use a specific kind of water, and make an incredibly healthy drink that tastes great. And it will not compromise your delicate internal alkaline balance!


This will shift your mindset around your morning coffee from being a “pick-me-up” to a daily elixir that will give you incredible energy to fuel your mind and body. The effect is unlike anything you have experienced before. It’s hard to overstate how I feel after drinking this, especially when I compare it to what is usually considered as a “cup of coffee.” Commercial coffee is an unhealthy short-term fix. It always left me feeling sick, anxious, and jittery.

By having this drink for breakfast, you can keep your body using ketones as fuel and make intermittent fasting effortless. You almost don’t realize you are doing it. Because the recipe doesn’t contain any carbohydrates or proteins, your body thinks you are still fasting! All of your energy comes from fat, which switches off any hunger and cravings until at least 11 a.m.  


You only have this one healthy coffee each day. There is no need for stimulants throughout the day, as your energy will come in abundance from energy fats, alkaline balance, super nutrition, pure hydration, and plenty of oxygen!


I give full credit to Dave Asprey for this one! I have made some adjustments to the original recipe to maximize the benefits while retaining an alkaline balance and eliminating any potential downsides.



Preparation Time: 5 minutes




If you want to make your breakfast even better, try taking the following:


This will give your body the ideal nutrients, minerals, anti-oxidants, polyphenols and fuel for the optimal start to the day. Your mind and body will feel charged, and produce sustainable high energy.


Step 1: Brew your alkaline, nutrient-rich organic coffee:


Use purified alkaline water (from the Ninja Jug or Ultrastream) rather than acidic tap or bottled water. This will neutralize the acidity of the coffee.


Use a French press. The stainless-steel mesh filter allows the coffee’s natural oils to get through, which not only improves flavour but also preserves beneficial polyphenols. The French press method is non-toxic, as most models have just metal and glass components. Brew for 4 minutes.


What not to add: Do not add milk or sugar. Milk will inhibit the effect of the polyphenols and antioxidants found in coffee. You should always avoid refined sugar, but if you need a sweet taste, use Xylitol.


PRO-TIP: We have partnered with Exhale Coffee in the UK, which produces the healthiest coffee we have found. It is certified organic, optimized for polyphenols (2.7 more than average coffee), rich in vitamin B3, mycotoxin free, pesticide free, chemical free, independently lab tested (9 different tests) and has the same antioxidants as 55 oranges! We work directly with Exhale, and they are also really amazing people! Find out more here.


Step 2: Add the special ingredients

These are powerful ingredients that fuel us and provide real health benefits. By binding with active compounds in the coffee, they can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Transfer the coffee to a glass jug ready for blending with a hand immersion blender.  

Add 1–2 tablespoons of butter from grass-fed cows (e.g., Kerrygold, Anchor). If the cows are commercially farmed, then they are usually fed a low-quality diet of corn and soy. This leads to an overabundance of omega-6 in the butter.

Organic grass-fed butter includes plenty of healthy fats and none of the things found in milk that cause negative effects. One of these is butyrate, which protects the blood-brain barrier and feeds the good bacteria in your gut.

Add 1 teaspoon–2 tablespoons MCT oil
Start with 1 teaspoon of this oil and work up to 1 tablespoon over a couple of weeks. Eventually, you can work toward 2 tablespoons.

Optional: Add in other superfoods.
This drink becomes a great “base” that you can add other superfoods into. For example, I add pre-biotic fibre powder to my drink each morning.


Step 3: Blend the coffee and the magic ingredients with an immersion blender.

Make it as frothy as possible. We are creating the special kind of EZ water as we blend it. (Which is more absorbable by the body.)

Using the blender also breaks up things called melanin and melanoids, which create free oxygen and electrons that your mitochondria can use to generate energy.

Now, drink this delicious, creamy drink for breakfast.

I promise you, it will taste great! And the real advantage is that the combination of MCT oil and grass-fed butter will literally switch off hunger, switch off cravings, allow your mind to engage fully and be super focused, positioning you for an incredible day.

You will get plenty of polyphenols, in addition to the beneficial compounds found in coffee, that can only cross the blood-brain barrier when bound to fat molecules!

Any additional acid effect the coffee may have can be counteracted by topping up your alkaline mineral buffers. To do this, just drink 300ml water with alkaline salts as soon as you get up. This also has a host of other benefits (learn more here).


And please remember, we are just having one of these a day, so there is no risk of getting addicted to caffeine.

By leveraging optimal nutrition, ketones and intermittent fasting, you can more effectively and effortlessly fuel your mind and body.


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