By Callum @ AvocadoNinja


  • Mitochondria generate energy for all the cells in our body.
  • The health of your mitochondria quite literally determines your overall health. It is the number one area to focus on, to give us the most return for the time and resources we invest in our wellbeing.
  • Mitochondria are incredibly responsive, and by following the steps outlined in our Momentum program, you will start to supercharge your existing mitochondria.
  • When you make your mitochondria more resilient, you get better at everything you do!

To be at your best, you need abundant energy levels. But how do we take control and generate all this energy? Well, there are various mechanisms built into our body that we can tap into, which will transform our health and energy. One of the most powerful is our mitochondria.


The health of your mitochondria quite literally determines your overall health. It is the number one area to focus on, to give us the most return for the time and resources we invest in our wellbeing.


In this article, we will explain what mitochondria are, how they work and what they do.

Our mind and our body runs on energy, and the cells that are responsible for generating energy are called mitochondria. So, if we want a consistently high level, then let's focus on the health of these cells.


The health of your mitochondria quite literally determines your overall health. It is the number one area to focus on, to give us the most return for the time and resources we invest in our wellbeing. The healthier the mitochondria are, the better all our cells work, which impacts our energy and mental performance. In short, by focusing on this one area, our entire lives will change!


Over 500 million years ago, oxygen was a poison that killed almost all living organisms. One specific type of bacteria, known as mitochondria, evolved to use oxygen to create a substance called ATP, our source of cellular energy. These bacteria eventually resided inside other cells and over billions of years evolved into animals and humans. To this day, these bacteria continue to create the energy that gives us life. They even have their own DNA, completely separate to our own!


Each cell in the human body contains between 1,000 and 2,000 mitochondria, and there are over 1 quadrillion mitochondria at work in your body right now! A huge part of our body's automatic functioning exists to supply oxygen to them, so that they can create ATP.


Here’s how it works: Mitochondria take molecules from the food we eat (glucose or ketones) and combine them with oxygen to generate ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. (Without it, you would die within a few seconds!) As the name suggests, there are three phosphate bonds. In the process of releasing energy, ATP is broken down to two phosphate bonds (Adenosine Diphosphate or ADP) and one phosphate molecule.


Incredibly, your body then recycles the leftover phosphate molecule, by reattaching it to ADP to create more ATP. This helps the body repeatedly create energy from the same pool of molecules. Each molecule is recycled about three times a minute. Even though the average person has around 50 grams (1.75 oz.) of ATP in their system at any one time, the body recycles them so many times that it is producing the equivalent of 181 kilograms (400 lbs.) of ATP over one day.


Not only do mitochondria create your life force, but they also control cell communication and decide when cells live and die. In fact, they are powering and controlling the most essential functions of your cells. Your brain, heart, and retina have some of the highest concentrations of mitochondria in the body.


When you have less energy available, these are the first to suffer. You start to get “brain fog” and struggle to remember things or think straight. When your heart cells have mitochondrial issues, you can experience heart dysfunction and fatigue. If your muscle cells have poorly functioning mitochondria, it can lead to symptoms of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. When your digestive cells have energy issues, it can cause autoimmune problems and leaky gut syndrome.


Mitochondria are also responsible for all your steroid hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. So, by having unhealthy mitochondria, you can suffer hormonal problems. As you know, this can lead to a whole host of issues.


In short, the most important functions in your body are powered by mitochondria, so when they are not functioning properly, there are very real consequences.


But here’s the good news—mitochondria are incredibly responsive. By following the steps outlined in our Momentum program, you will start to supercharge your existing mitochondria, build resilience, and grow more of them! When you make your mitochondria more resilient, you get better at everything you do!


Why not sign up to your Momentum Membership here and get your FREE 170-page book mailed to you, along with access to your membership area, which walks you through how to apply everything to ignite your energy and create the life you deserve.


This will give you all the tools to create the habits that will start every day with a huge reservoir of energy and a powerful emotional state.

Statements made on this website are our personal opinion and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. You can find our full disclaimer and terms of service here.