optimal digestion

The Most Important Foundational Step for Health

By Callum @ AvocadoNinja


Includes the entire integrated Health Secrets Course


      • A clear and healthy functioning digestive system is the most critical first step to optimal health. This can either supercharge or sabotage everything else you do.
      • The small intestine is where all the nutrients, minerals and supplements we take will be absorbed into the blood stream and do their job. But when the small intestine is clogged, the good stuff just can't get through. When this area is dirty, the blood is dirty and so on to the organs and tissues.
      • The average person has six to twelve pounds of faecal matter and mucus rotting away in their large intestine. This is encased in mucus and becomes a base for parasites, germs, bacteria and viruses to multiply in and organize their attacks on your body.
      • If you suffer from headaches, allergies, bad skin/acne, mental or physical sluggishness, bloating and gas or tiredness, low or erratic mood? No matter what you do with your health, nothing makes much of a difference? If so, then your polluted digestive system is probably the culprit.

      • Cleaning your digestive system will UNLOCK everything else you are doing, propelling you to amazing health, energy and mood.
      • An effective digestive cleanse should clean the WHOLE digestive system (not just the gut, as with colonics). It should be cost-effective, conveniently done at home, remove harmful acids, undigested proteins and the mucous casing.
      • We show you how to do this at home here.

In this article, you will learn what is most likely happening in your digestive system right now, and how this is limiting all the other actions you are taking towards your health. It explains what an optimal digestive cleanse entails and shows how to do this.

Is Your Digestive System Supporting

“Of the 300 autopsies performed at National College in Chicago almost all showed colons being devastatingly polluted. The walls were encrusted with material. Over 90% of disease can be traced to unhealthy conditions in the bowel. Toxic waste must be removed as quickly as possible to halt the downward spiral of failing health. This is done by removing accumulated faecal matter from the bowel.”

– Dr Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.

Shocking words from a respected doctor and surgeon.. But we will show you a way to completely cleanse your digestive system, quickly, simply and at home!


The Small Intestine


Normally, food passes from the stomach into the small intestine. Here there are millions of tiny "villi". The small intestines are where all the nutrients, minerals and supplements we take will be absorbed into the blood stream and do their job.  


However, an overly acidic diet, processed foods and dairy cause mucus to coat the walls of the small intestine. This blocks the absorption of nutrients from food. Sometimes the mucus gets so thick and tough it is almost like a plastic film. When the small intestine is clogged, the good stuff just can't get through. When this area is dirty, the blood is dirty and so on to the organs and tissues.


The Large Intestine


What's left over than gets passed over the large intestine. This is where the body absorbs liquid, with the rest expelled as faecal matter. However, over time, a layer of residue builds up and encrusts the bowel walls.


The average person has six to twelve pounds of faecal matter and mucus rotting away in their gut.


Your body encases this muck in mucus to stop being poisoned.  This faecal fortress is a home base for parasites, germs, bacteria and viruses to multiply in and organize their attacks on your body.


If you suffer from headaches, allergies, bad skin/acne, mental or physical sluggishness, bloating and gas or tiredness? Or even low or erratic mood? Do you ever get that feeling that no matter what you do with your health, nothing makes much of a difference?


If so, then your polluted digestive system is probably the culprit.

unblock & supercharge: a clean digestive system is a key first step!

We must cleanse the whole digestive system before any effective health changes can take place.


By doing this, it will UNLOCK everything else you are doing, propelling you to amazing health, energy and mood. It will stop this critical area sabotaging all the hard work you are doing in other areas.


Imagine all that nutritious food, those juices, smoothies, supplements, exercise, breathing exercises you are doing. With what you have already experienced, this is maybe hitting 10% of what you could be experiencing.


And all of those nagging issues that just don't seem to go away have a high likelihood of disappearing. Your mood, that never seems 100% will improve. Along with your appearance improving.

“Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal. All of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon.”
– Dr. Harvey Kellogg, M.D

the positive effects of a clean digestive system

By cleaning the gut of mucus, toxic waste and bad bacteria, we stop the body poisoning itself and allow it to fully absorb all of the good stuff we are putting in!
As we become “cleaner,” we notice many positive changes – from increased energy and clearer thinking to vibrant health and vitality.
  • ​​Comfort: Less bloating and a feeling of lightness and comfort in your abdominal region

  • ​Weight Loss: because nutrients get through to the blood, the body quickly signals fullness and stops overeating and cravings. Along with immediately dumping a few extra pounds. Visibly flatter stomach.

  • ​Enhanced Absorption:  Vastly better absorption of nutrients into the blood stream from a clean surface area.

  • ​​Multiplies the effect of everything else you do: nutrition, supplements, exercise are all boosted by this better absorption.

  • Stops Body Poisoning Itself: By clearing out acidic waste, mucus, toxins and the home to bad bacteria and parasites.

  • ​Higher Energy Levels: through better nutrient delivery.

  • ​Cleanse the Whole Body: By decreasing the amount of waste in the bowels, we effectively cleanse the tissues, organs, and bloodstream.

  • ​Improvements in liver and kidney function, better digestion and strengthening of the immune system.

  • ​Better Skin: Acne disappears and skin becomes clear.

  • Heals Gut:  Provides relieve from constipation, less undesirable gas production and repairs the gut wall.

  • Boosts Your Mood: Surprisingly, the health of your intestinal flora also impacts your production of neurotransmitters in your brain. ​An overabundance of bad bacteria leaves toxic by-products called lipopolysaccharides, which destroy the brain cells that make dopamine - the feel good hormone. By cleaning the digestive tract, we get rid of the home of this bad bacteria and restore a healthy balance in the gut. This then enables the brain to produce all those feel good hormones!

so what can you do?

Unfortunately, colonics only clean the large intestine. This means that the small intestine stays clogged and limits the ability of your body to absorb nutrients.


We have searched the world for the ultimate digestive cleanse, with the following criteria:


  • Clean the WHOLE digestive system (not just the gut, as with colonics).
  • CONVENIENTLY done AT HOME with NO embarrassment.
  • Remove harmful acids
  • Remove undigested proteins
  • Remove mucous coating to allow nutrients to absorb, and pollution to be untrapped

We are pleased to say, that we have found a solution...


how to clean your entire digestive system now!

We have found a way to do all this. To clear the entire digestive tract. Boost the absorption of nutrients and MELT AWAY the built-up pollution from the small and large intestine.


Along with removing acids, undigested proteins, mucous, undigested food, restore your digestive function, circulation and reflex.


Statements made on this website are our personal opinion and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. You can find our full disclaimer and terms of service here.