By Callum @ AvocadoNinja
By Callum @ AvocadoNinja
Learn the difference between healthy (acute) and unhealthy (chronic) inflammation, the dangers chronic inflammation can pose, and what you can do about it.
There are two types of inflammation. Acute inflammation is the normal inflammatory response. This occurs when the body encounters a harmful situation, such as an ankle sprain. When this happens, the body will mobilize plasma and white blood cells to the injured tissue. There is a healthy release of free radicals to break down the offending tissue and begin the rebuilding process. Consider the swelling that follows a sprain, and you will get the idea. Acute inflammation shows that the body is addressing a problem in a beneficial way.
Chronic inflammation can be caused by a variety of factors including diet (oxidized vegetable oils, excess sugar, processed foods, refined carbs), poor sleep, being bombarded with Electromagnetic Frequencies (such as Wi-Fi), environmental toxins, and stress.
Harvard’s Dr. Paul Ridker explains, “We are witnessing evolutionary biology in action—an adaptive response (inflammation) in the past is now maladaptive in our current modern environment.” In other words, our modern lifestyle is massively out of tune with how our bodies evolved to function.
When this happens continuously, because of these external factors, the free radicals spread into healthy surrounding tissue. This dysfunction continues as the process fails to “wind down” correctly and the free radicals go on a rampage, continuing to oxidize and attack healthy cells.
Detecting this, the immune system sends in more white blood cells to the newly damaged cells. Soon the process spirals out of control, causing an autoimmune response which can lead to the onset of most modern diseases.
This includes stomach ulcers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, accelerated aging, allergies, Alzheimer’s, damage to motor-neurons, anemia, arthritis, asthma, autism, cancer, fibromyalgia, intestinal disorders (such as IBS, Crohn’s, etc.), kidney failure, lupus, multiple sclerosis, pain, pancreatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and many more.
By following the steps outlined in our Momentum program, you will be equipped with multiple techniques and tools to dramatically reduce chronic inflammation.
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This will give you all the tools to create the habits that will start every day with a huge reservoir of energy and a powerful emotional state.
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