- Regulate blood pressure [2]
- Reduce inflammation in lungs and digestive system [2]
- Support new brain cells growth [2]
- Support increase in bones mass [3]
- Strengthen immune system [4]
Turmeric is a popular spice made from the root of the Curcuma longa plant. Turmeric is used to flavour and colour curry powders, mustards, butter, and cheeses, and has a warm, bitter flavour. It is a tall plant native to Asia and Central America that is also known as Indian saffron or the golden spice.
Curcumin is a substance found in turmeric that may help to minimize edema. It is, also known as diferuloylmethane, was originally isolated in 1815 and formed into its crystalline form in 1870.
Curcumin's ability to inhibit lipoxygenase by binding to either lipoxygenase or phosphatidylcholine micelles demonstrates its broad range of action. Curcumin also suppresses tumour invasion and angiogenesis by binding to CD13/aminopeptidase in an irreversible manner. It has also been found to prevent aggregation and fibril formation in vitro and in vivo by binding tiny -amyloid species directly.
It is frequently used to treat illnesses including pain and inflammation because curcumin and other compounds in turmeric may reduce swelling. Turmeric is often used to treat osteoarthritis. It's also used for hay fever, depression, high cholesterol, a form of liver illness, and itching.
Digestive System
Build and repair bone mass [3]
Immune System
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[1] C. B. T. Matthew C.Fadusa, "Curcumin: An age-old anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic agent," Science Direct, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 339-346, 2017.
[2] "Top 5 Health Benefits of Turmeric," Mercy health, 22 Jan 2018. [Online]. Available: https://blog.mercy.com/turmeric-top-health-benefits/#:~:text=Lowered%20Risk%20of%20Heart%20Disease,factors%20vital%20to%20heart%20health.. [Accessed 26 November 2021].
[3] "Worried about osteoporosis? Take turmeric! Indian spice improves bone density by up to 7%, study reveal," 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.chemdiv.com/company/media/pharma-news/2017/worried-osteoporosis-take-turmeric-indian-spice-improves-bone-density-7-study-reveal/. [Accessed 26 November 2021].
[4] "Foods that clean your lungs naturally!," Etimes, 16 April 2020. [Online]. Available: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/foods-that-clean-your-lungs-naturally/photostory/75164760.cms. [Accessed 26 November 2021].
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