Supports skin health and healthy skin aging
Supports cognitive health
- Supports exercise recovery
Supports antioxidant defenses
Supports skin health and healthy skin aging
Supports cognitive health
Supports antioxidant defenses
Originally from Iran, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing tree native to Northern India and Afghanistan. The cultivation of it dates back to ancient times in the Mediterranean region, Middle East, and South Asia.
The most notable part of pomegranates is their fruit, a round berry with arils and seeds. A single pomegranate can have 200-1400 arils and seeds; its name is derived from the medieval Latin words "apple" and "seeded". During October and February, the Northern Hemisphere markets can be found with ripened fruit.
A high polyphenol content gives the arils a deep red color. Phytochemicals and polyphenols are also abundant in the peel.
Polyphenolic compounds in pomegranates, including flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, and ellagitannins, make them potent antioxidants.
Pomegranate is especially high in polyphenols called ellagitannins, which break down in the gut to release ellagic acid. The gut microbiota can metabolize ellagic acid and ellagagitannins into urolithins such as urolithin A, which are more bioavailable.
Ellagitannins and their metabolites, ellagic acid and its metabolites, act as potent antioxidants and modulators of immune system function and cellular signaling pathways. One of the main ellagitannins in pomegranate is punicalagin, which is the largest polyphenol known [1–4].
Mitochondrial function
Supports mitochondrial function [7–19]
Supports ATP production [12,13]
Supports mitochondrial gene expression [8,12]
Supports peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1α) signaling [12,20]
Supports mitochondrial biogenesis [19]
Supports electron transport chain [12,16,20]
Supports mitochondrial membrane potential [13,14]
Supports mitophagy [10,21]
Supports mitochondrial antioxidant defenses and counters ROS production [14,16,18]
Brain and cognitive function
Supports memory [22–24]
Supports brain activation [23]
Supports cognitive health [5,25–27]
Influences acetylcholinesterase activity [28–30]
Supports synaptic function [31]
Supports neuroprotection [7,26,27,29–35]
Supports brain antioxidant defenses and counters oxidative stress [20,28,30,33]
Influences neural immune signaling [31,33,36]
Supports BDNF levels [29]
Supports neural ATP production [33]
Skin health
Supports skin protection against environmental aggressors (UV, pollution, ionizing radiation) [17,37–44]
Supports skin smoothness (may help with fine lines and skin wrinkle formation) [41,43]
Supports skin hydration [41]
Supports healthy melanin production and healthy pigmentation [45,46]
Supports skin immunity [40]
Supports the skin microbiota [13]
Supports healthy skin cell proliferation levels [47]
Supports healthy extracellular matrix physiology (MMP activity) [41–45,47–49]
Supports collagen production [41,43,48]
Supports hyaluronan synthesis/content [41,45]
Supports DNA repair and protection from DNA damage [17,40,47]
Supports skin antioxidant defenses and counters ROS production and oxidative stress [17,40–44,49]
Supports Nrf2 signaling and phase II detox enzyme production [17,44]
Influences immune signaling [40–42,45,50]
Influences skin degenerative signaling pathways (NF-κB) [40,51]
Gut microbiota
Exercise performance
Supports exercise performance [55,56]
Supports muscle function [21]
Supports exercise recovery [57–59]
Healthy aging and longevity
Supports healthy blood pressure [60,61]
Supports healthy blood lipid levels [5,61,62]
upports plasma antioxidant capacity and counters oxidative stress [23,61–65]
Influences immune signaling [61,62,66]
Supports autophagy [10,31]
Supports mTOR signaling [31]
Supports AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) signaling [9,11]
Supports Nrf2 signaling and phase II detox enzyme production [9,13,15,17]
Supports lifespan extension (Caenorhabditis elegans) [21]
Complementary ingredients
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