- Supports a healthy stress response
- Supports brain function and cognitive performance
- Supports mood
A dietary phospholipid is a phosphatidylserine. Meat and fish are the best sources. Vegans can get phosphatidylserine from lecithin and white beans.
Phosphatidylserine is found in the innermost layer of cells where it governs the functions and activities of receptors, enzymes, ion channels, and signal molecules.
In the human cerebral cortex, phosphatidylserine comprises 13% of the membrane phospholipids.
A phospholipid in the membrane, phosphatidylcholine, can be converted to phosphatidylserine from dietary choline or supplement ingredients such as alpha-GPC or citicoline.
Phosphatidylserine has mainly been investigated in relation to cognitive function, mood regulation, and stress regulation [1].
Brain and cognitive function
Exercise performance (ergogenic effects)
Complementary ingredients
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