• Supports working memory, mental flexibility, and information processing
    • Supports a healthy stress response
    • Supports skin health

      • Supports brain function
    • Supports adaptation to stressful circumstances


N-acetyl-L-tyrosine (NALT) is a type of acetylated L-tyrosine. NALT (along with L-tyrosine) acts as a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine, so it is used as a nootropic.


There is a strong link between dopamine and reward, motivation, and pleasure, and it is an essential neurotransmitter in modulating focus, motivation, cognitive flexibility, and emotion.


Besides being a key regulator of creative-productive powers and states, dopamine is also a key regulator of motor control and coordination, so it is also crucial for muscle strength and performance.


When performing more demanding or stressful tasks[1], NALT (or other sources of L-tyrosine) may be particularly useful for cognitive support.


One study found that oral NALT significantly increased L-tyrosine[2] levels in the brain.


Brain function


  • Supports working memory[13–19]

  • Supports cognitive flexibility[20]

  • Supports logical reasoning[14]

  • Supports mathematical processing[14]

  • Supports convergent ("deep") thinking—a component of creativity[21]

  • Supports perceptual-motor task performance[15,22]

  • Supports inhibition of behavioral responses—a cognitive control function[23]

  • Precursor for catecholamine synthesis [dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline][4]

  • Supports the rate of dopamine synthesis and release upon neuronal activation[5–10]

  • Supports norepinephrine synthesis and release upon neuronal activation[10–12]

  • Protects from neurotransmitter (DA, NE) depletion due to increased brain activity[1]

  • Protects from performance decline during cognitively demanding tasks[1]




  • Protects from the negative effects of stress on cognitive performance[15–18,22]

  • Protects from adverse behavioral responses to environmental stress[24]

  • Protects from stress-induced decreases in norepinephrine levels[25]

  • Protects from stress-induced increases in blood pressure[15,22]

  • Supports global mood[26]


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