- Reduce inflammation in the heart and respiratory system [2]
- Relieve sunburn [2]
- Protect digestive system’s lining [2]
- Help in flushing out toxins [2]
The perennial plant marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) is native to Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. For thousands of years, it's been used as a folk treatment to cure digestive, respiratory, and skin ailments. Marshmallow root is a dark, fibrous husk that originates from the marshmallow plant.
The marshmallow plant's flowers, root, and leaves are all edible. The therapeutic effects of marshmallow root are derived from the plant's mucilage, or sap-like material. Because marshmallow root's mucilage was initially used to produce this dessert, it was given the name marshmallow candy. Candy marshmallows nowadays, on the other hand, are usually devoid of the herb. Rather, they're made of sugar and gelatin.
The plant's mucilage includes antioxidants, and studies show that it creates a layer over the skin and digestive tract. It may aid with skin irritation and digestive difficulties like ulcers by doing so. Its therapeutic properties are attributed in part to the presence of mucilage. It's typically taken as a pill, tincture, or tea. It's also found in cosmetics and cough syrups [1].
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[1] K. Marengo, "What are the benefits of marshmallow root?," Medical News Today, 2 April 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324860. [Accessed 01 January 2022].
[2] J. Wozinsky, "7 benefits of marshmallow root and how to choose the right supplement," 19 July 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.luckyvitamin.com/blog/food-supplements/herbs/multiple-health-benefits-of-marshmallow-root/. [Accessed 30 Novemebr 2021].
[3] E. Cronkleton, "Everything You Need to Know About Marshmallow Root," Healthline, 29 March 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/marshmallow-root#skin. [Accessed 20 January 2022].
[4] R. Petkewich, ""What's that stuff? Marshmallow"," Chemical & Engineering News. , vol. 16, no. 84, p. 41, 2006.
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