- Supports urinary tract health
- Supports a healthy gut microbiota
- Supports general immune health
Cranberry is the fruit of several species, including the Vaccinium macrocarpon (American cranberry) and the Vaccinium oxycoccos (European cranberry).
Approximately 90% of the world's cranberries are grown in the Northeast United States and Canada, and most of them are made into juices and sauces or sold as dried, sweetened berries.
In addition to cranberries, berries such as blueberries and huckleberries belong to the genus Vaccinium. In the same way that these other fruits offer health benefits from the compounds that give them color, proanthocyanidins (often abbreviated as PACs) are the compounds that give cranberries their distinctive red color and contribute to their health properties.
Cranberry supplements are typically concentrated and used for these PACs. Cranberry supplements are known to support urinary tract health. In terms of urinary tract health, their role is linked to the immune system, specifically supporting the mucosal barrier function (an aspect of the innate immune system).
In addition to improving trained immunity, Cranberries also enhance cellular intrinsic immune defenses, thus making cells more tolerant to external stresses.
Gut microbiota
Healthy aging
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