Which glass of water is safe to drink?

Did you know...


Most harmful contaminants are invisible so you don't know what is in your water!


We assume that water is not a problem.  

We are told by the government and media that as long as we drink 8 glasses a day everything is fine.


But the shocking truth is the water you drink is sabotaging your energy, your weight, your skin and contributing to illness and premature aging.

Which Glass of Water is
Not Safe to Drink?

Did You Know?

Most harmful contaminants are invisable so you don't know what is in your water!


We assume that water is not a problem.  

We are told by the government and media that as long as we drink 8 glasses a day everything is fine.

But the shocking truth is the water you drink is sabotaging your energy, your weight, your skin and contributing to illness and premature aging.

We are all concerned about the food we eat being of the highest standard.  

But what is being missed by the media and 95% of people is the quality of the water we drink.

We assume our water is completely clean and pure...

But how can it when it comes from here?

Tap Water

In the same way that junk food is “processed”, so is your water…

The water is “cleaned” in a way. But shockingly 1 in 20 glasses still contain levels of bacteria that affect your health. The bacteria is only one issue.

Newspaper Links

Click on the tabs below to learn more about the other dangers lurking in your tap water.

According to the Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk to people who drink chlorinated water is 93 percent higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.  

Chlorine in tap water has been linked to asthma, skin conditions, increased risk of miscarriage, liver problems and more.


Short term exposure has been associated with enhanced weight gain in rats that were given chlorinated water. Long term exposure on humans has been linked to higher cholesterol levels and an increased risk of bladder disorders. Drinking chlorinated water has also been associated with infertility and other reproductive problems.

Chlorine and chloramine in your tap water is not safe.




Chloramine is a new ‘bleach’ on the block that’s added to water.


It is a less effective disinfectant than chlorine but lasts longer so is now used alongside chlorine to help make your water ‘safer’.  

But it’s not safe. Far from it.

As soon as chlorine or chloramines react with any natural matter (such as decaying vegetation in the source water) ‘disinfection by-products’ (DBPs) form and this is bad news.  

DBPs are over 10,000 more toxic than chlorine, are highly carcinogenic, and lead to problems including:
- A weakened immune system

- A disrupted nervous system

- Respiratory problems

- Renal problems

- Cardiovascular damage…and so much more



If the logic is that fluoride is added to harden your teeth, why would you want this same substance in your digestive system?

Most people seem to forget that fact: the fluoride you’re putting into your mouth to harden your tooth enamel actually enters your stomach too.

According to a 500-page scientific review, fluoride is an endocrine disruptor that can affect your bones, brain, thyroid gland, pineal gland and even your blood sugar levels .

In fact, there have been over 34 human studies and over 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage, including lower IQ in children.







In 2012, researchers concluded that it would cost Britain £30 billion to rid its water of oestradiol alone.


Oestradiol is a major type of oestrogen that the more than 2.5 million British women on the contraceptive pill flush down their toilets and into our future water supply.


Researchers found this potent hormone in 80 per cent of the water at the 50 sites they tested.


This hormone is directly affecting fertility by reducing sperm production.

Unsurprisingly, neither the British government, nor the water suppliers, nor those who pay the household water bills are keen on this clean-up effort, and the pharmaceutical industry is actively lobbying against it over fears that it would have to contribute.






Metaldehyde:  The slug poison metaldehyde was found in 1/8 of England’s sources of drinking water.


Bromochloroacetic acid: A disinfection by-product, was found in the water supplied to 40 million consumers. It induces gene mutations and is associated with damage to DNA.


Perchlorate: Rocket fuel ingredient and toxic to the thyroid gland.


MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether): A gasoline additive was found in water supplied to 12 million people. It is associated with liver and kidney damage, and nervous system effects.


Trihalomethanes: Linked to a range of health problems including bladder cancer, colon and rectal cancer, birth defects, low birth weight and miscarriage.


Di-n-butylphthalate: a chemical from a group of industrial plasticizers called phthalates, was found in water used by 5 million people. Phthalates have been linked to birth defects and reproductive toxicity.

In fact, according to the EWG, despite the potential health risks ,there is no legal limit on these chemicals — no matter how high the concentrations — in drinking water.

Studies have positively tested drinking water for a startling list of pharmaceuticals such as:


ACE inhibitors (heart drug),

antibiotics, antidepressants,

beta-blockers, blood thinners,

calcium-channel blockers (heart drug),

carbamazepine (anti-seizure drug),


fibrates (cholesterol drugs),

naproxen (an anti-inflammatory),

painkillers like paracetamol and codeine, and tranquillizers.


High amounts of antidepressants have also been found in the brains of some freshwater fish.






In the same way that junk food is “processed”, so is your water…

The water is “cleaned” in a way. But shockingly 1 in 20 glasses still contain levels of bacteria that affect your health. The bacteria is only one issue. 3

Click on the tabs below to learn more about the other dangers

lurking in your tap water.

According to the Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk to people who drink chlorinated water is 93 percent higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.  

Chlorine in tap water has been linked to asthma, skin conditions, increased risk of miscarriage, liver problems and more.


Short term exposure has been associated with enhanced weight gain in rats that were given chlorinated water. Long term exposure on humans has been linked to higher cholesterol levels and an increased risk of bladder disorders 1. Drinking chlorinated water has also been associated with infertility and other reproductive problems 1 .

Chlorine and chloramine in your tap water is not safe.

Chloramine is a new ‘bleach’ on the block that’s added to water.


It is a less effective disinfectant than chlorine but lasts longer so is now used alongside chlorine to help make your water ‘safer’.  

But it’s not safe. Far from it.

As soon as chlorine or chloramines react with any natural matter (such as decaying vegetation in the source water) ‘disinfection by-products’ (DBPs) form and this is bad news.  

DBPs are over 10,000 more toxic than chlorine, are highly carcinogenic, and lead to problems including:
- A weakened immune system

- A disrupted nervous system

- Respiratory problems

- Renal problems

- Cardiovascular damage…and so much more.

If the logic is that fluoride is added to harden your teeth, why would you want this same substance in your digestive system?

Most people seem to forget that fact: the fluoride you’re putting into your mouth to harden your tooth enamel actually enters your stomach too.

According to a 500-page scientific review, fluoride is an endocrine disruptor5 that can affect your bones, brain, thyroid gland, pineal gland and even your blood sugar levels .

In fact, there have been over 34 human studies and over 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage, including lower IQ in children.6


In 2012, researchers concluded that it would cost Britain £30 billion to rid its water of oestradiol alone.7


Oestradiol is a major type of oestrogen that the more than 2.5 million British women on the contraceptive pill flush down their toilets and into our future water supply.


Researchers found this potent hormone in 80 per cent of the water at the 50 sites they tested.


This hormone is directly affecting fertility by reducing sperm production.

Unsurprisingly, neither the British government, nor the water suppliers, nor those who pay the household water bills are keen on this clean-up effort, and the pharmaceutical industry is actively lobbying against it over fears that it would have to contribute.

Metaldehyde:  The slug poison metaldehyde was found in 1/8 of England’s sources of drinking water.


Bromochloroacetic acid: A disinfection by-product, was found in the water supplied to 40 million consumers. It induces gene mutations and is associated with damage to DNA.


Perchlorate: Rocket fuel ingredient and toxic to the thyroid gland.


MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether): A gasoline additive was found in water supplied to 12 million people. It is associated with liver and kidney damage, and nervous system effects.


Trihalomethanes: Linked to a range of health problems including bladder cancer, colon and rectal cancer, birth defects, low birth weight and miscarriage.


Di-n-butylphthalate: a chemical from a group of industrial plasticizers called phthalates, was found in water used by 5 million people. Phthalates have been linked to birth defects and reproductive toxicity.

In fact, according to the EWG, despite the potential health risks ,there is no legal limit on these chemicals — no matter how high the concentrations — in drinking water.

Studies have positively tested drinking water for a startling list of pharmaceuticals such as:


ACE inhibitors (heart drug),

antibiotics, antidepressants,

beta-blockers, blood thinners,

calcium-channel blockers (heart drug),

carbamazepine (anti-seizure drug),


fibrates (cholesterol drugs),

naproxen (an anti-inflammatory),

painkillers like paracetamol and codeine, and tranquillizers.


High amounts of antidepressants have also been found in the brains of some freshwater fish.

Is Bottled Water the Answer?... Absolutely NOT!

Bottled water generally is no cleaner, safer, or healthier than tap water.

In fact, the government requires far more rigorous and frequent safety testing and monitoring of tap water!

Around 25% of the bottled water we are buying is actually just tap water, in a bottle. 3

The standards that bottled water companies are held to are much less strict than tap water compantes.


So if the municipalities that are providing tap water are held to much stricter standards but is still in that much of a state, just think of what your bottled water contains.

Study4 found that bottled water contains more than 24,000 chemicals. Findings included caffeine, toxic bacteria, carcinogenic DBP's, nitrates, arsenic, various industrial chemicals, and pharmaceutical agents .

Bottles that you’re drinking from are made from plastic which contains toxic BPA.
BPA is proven to leech into the water over time. And guess what, weeks and months sat in a warehouse, exposed to heat, light and air are the EXACT conditions under which BPA will leech into the water.

It costs 50-100 times more per gallon than basic tap water and of course has a significant impact on the environment.

Now you know the truth, make sure you Purify your water!


Having pure water is a great step, but is that enough?


There are three other SECRETS that will make your water either super healthy (we call Super Water) or deadly.


We don't say this lightly, but the silent effect poor water has, day after day, leads to the erosion of your health and energy without you even realising.

1. Importance of pH Balance

Our body needs to keep a strict balance of pH 7.365 in the blood and lymph.

Like temperature, the body will do anything to maintain this balance.


It has to work extrememly hard to do this if we have an acidic diet, stress an lifestyle.

Acid comes from the body functioning and is increased further by eating processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, alcohol, meat, dairy…


We should eat 70%-80% alkalising foods such as fresh raw veg and low sugar fruits. But not many of us do this.


This puts so much stress on the body that health problems are exacerbated.


The body extracts calcium from the bones to buffer the excess acid which causes osteoporosis. The extra acid causes inflammation in joints, muscles and organs.


The idea of living an healthy lifestyle, is to give your body the support it needs to THRIVE, whilst also eliminating the acids that cause the body such trouble.

We are not trying to "make" the body alkaline, we are giving the body everything it needs to remain in a state of balance. By being alkaline we free up so much energy, the body can heal and become alive, alert and focused.


Also, the body hold onto fat when it is acidic. As soon as you alkalise the fat is released and begins to melt away.


Unfortunately, most of the liquid ingested in modern life is extremely acidic.


Cola is 10,000 more acidic than water.


Most tap and bottled water is a pH of 3-7, which is up to 10,000 more acidic than water.


The pH you see on bottled water is “at source”, not when you get it!


When we get stuck in this acidic cycle, we get more and more sick and tired.

2. Oxidation

We all know antioxidants are good for us!

They block the harmful chemicals released in the body

that age us.


Most of us are not getting anywhere near enough antioxidants from what we eat and drink.


The problem is that most tap and bottled water is oxidising, compounding the problem.


In fact, the oxidation from water cancels out much of the antioxidants we get from food!


We can measure antioxidants in liquid using ORP.

The lower the figure the more antioxidant.


Here is the antioxidants level of some common drinks.


3. Molecular Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas has been proven in more than 500 scientific publications to be therapeutic in essentially every organ in the human body and in over 150 different human disease models.


It has been discovered that the reknowned “healing” or “curative” waters of Nordenau, Germany, Tlacote, Mexico and Hita Tenryosui, Japan contain an abundance of dissolved hydrogen gas.


In fact, molecular hydrogen is present in all natural water at source! But this delicate molecule is destroyed by processing or storage. So it is completely absent from tap and bottled water!


Hydrogen instantaneously converts toxic hydroxyl radicals (this is the most destructive free radical) to water (H2 + 20H = 2H2O).

It maintains the levels of the bodies own antioxidant supply.


It has a beneficial effect on cell metabolism, and gene expression which gives it an anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and anti-aging effect.



It is the building block of all energy in our cells, which you have been missing out on your entire life!

The Solution..... How To Fix Your Water!

Imagine! There is a way to create totally pure and clean water free of all these contaminants.


- Take off the stress your body is under from counteracting acid.

- Release more energy for your body to heal and give you an aliveness that you haven’t felt since you were a child.

- Flood your body with antioxidants to slow down aging and neutralise free radicals as they occur.


You can do this by creating your own super water at home, including using a special technique that has only recently been discovered.


The biggest thing to remember is that so many of your health challenges are not your fault.

Your health is being sabotaged by the water you are drinking!

Now that you know this truth follow the simple steps to turn all of this around.


In the guide below, we will go through the 4 secrets of superwater, which reverses all of the problems discussed above and produces absolutely stunning changes to your life almost instantly.


Watch out for an email in the next couple of days showing you.. How To Fix Your Water…

Get your FREE Printable Super Water Guide Now!

 In this FREE GUIDE TO SUPER WATER, we show you:


- What to avoid- What you are currently drinking may be robbing you of your health and energy, causing premature ageing

  • - What Super Water is and EXACTLY how to create this at home (including 4 secrets)
  • - How much you need to drink for optimal hydration
  • - Tips on how to stay hydrated, even with a busy schedule

1 Chlorine in Drinking-water Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, WHO/SDE/WSH/03.04/45

2 https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/


4 Identification of Putative Steroid Receptor Antagonists in Bottled Water: Combining Bioassays and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Martin Wagner , Michael P. Schlüsener, Thomas A. Ternes, Jörg Oehlmann
Published: August 28, 2013

5 https://www.nap.edu/read/11571/chapter/10#226

6 http://fluoridealert.org/studies/brain01/

7 Causes and consequences of feminisation of male fish in English rivers Science Report, Environment Agency, SC030285/SR

