Use The Smallest Molecule In Existence To Reduce Wrinkles, Increase Collagen and Slow Down Aging

Author Avocado Ninja / Category Habits / Published: 18th May 2019

A recent Japanese study in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology confirmed what locals had been preaching for years: molecular hydrogen can reduce neck wrinkles.

Similarly, a control group of UV-damaged human fibroblasts (the cell responsible for producing collagen in your skin) were shown to increase collagen production twice over when using molecular hydrogen.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a board-certified dermatologist, world renowned healthy ageing expert recently stated:

"Hydrogen works by positively affecting gene regulation, gene expression, and silencing negative genes. It's a very clever molecule because its powerful anti-inflammatory superpowers target and neutralise inflammation-causing free radicals, which are caused by stress, lack of sleep, pollution and UVA and UVB rays."

Because hydrogen is the smallest molecule in existence, it easily passes through the cell membrane, which means it easily wiggle its way into the mitochondria (the energy centres of the skin).

It can also penetrate the nucleus of a cell where the DNA is and neutralise free radicals linked to aging.

And that’s not even the biggest advantage of using molecular hydrogen.

That’s the fact that it can up-regulate 'messenger molecules', which essentially tell cells to produce hundreds of antioxidant enzymes to counteract free radicals.

In layman’s terms, it makes your cells into anti-oxidant factories. Unlike Vitamin C, or other anti-oxidants, you can’t use them up because the hydrogen is boosting your skin’s ability to create new ones.

Not only that but molecular hydrogen is also proven by over 1000 clinical studies to:

  • Give you more energy. Molecular hydrogen will make the energy cells in your body work more efficiently, stimulate greater production and feed more energy into your cells.
  • Improve performance. Clinically proven to give more energy, more power, more stamina and cut recovery time significantly.
  • Reduce pain quickly. Molecular hydrogen reduces inflammation and pain with no side effects.
  • Give you a mental boost: Molecular hydrogen has been proven to increase neurotransmitter levels for arousal, movement, mood, calmness and memory.

Want to give you it a go? I’d love you to give molecular hydrogen a try – it’s worked so well for me that I now swear by it.

Oh, and if you take it as directed and you don’t experience any uplift, I’ll refund you.


Boost Sports Performance

Author Avocado Ninja / Category Sports / Published: 5th July 2018

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